1. Join the Organizers and Help

A fair distance away from where the uninvited visitors choose to stand, we will set up a PLEDGE TO STOP HATE table and hold a rally.

We need your help with the PLEDGE TO STOP HATE Rally at KU. This year, we'd like to invite students with a story to tell to speak out at our PLEDGE TO STOP HATE rally. We can't tell you when or where yet (because our rally happens in response to the uninvited visitors showing up), but we'd like to gather the names and phone numbers of students, staff, and faculty who would be willing and are able to help when the time comes. These people will get regular updates with our plans and progress.

If you are willing and able to help and you want to get emails on the progress for the plan, please  Fill out this form  .

Pledge to Stop Hate Poster

Download the Poster

You can also download the poster the poster and make plans to attend the Rally when uninvited visitors appear.

We are especially looking for stories of when love overcame hate, when peace overcame violence, when community came together to defend those being targeted. We are looking for students (and faculty) who are willing to stand in solidarity with women, blacks, LGBTQ+, disabled, and people of all cultures who are being discriminated against or treated as less-than, for any reason, by anybody.

2. Take the Pledge

Those who have pledged to stop the hate will turn their backs on the haters. They might also match every hour the unwanted visitors are on campus spewing hate with acts of kindness or community service. They can also put their money where their sentiment is and donate to OUR cause, spreading love and respect, instead of contributing to the process that allows the haters to make money.

You can electronically sign the pledge here: Pledge Form

You can download the pledge as well. Open Pledge Card Picture

Turn Your Back or March

Volunteer to stand with your back to the uninvited visitor, or march around campus with loving, inclusive-community messages on signs to show support for students and faculty who might be potential targets of hateful messages.

Random Acts Of Kindness

Pledge Random Acts of Kindness. After the uninvited visitors leave, you will receive an email indicating how many acts of kindness are needed to match the number of hours that the unwanted visitors were on campus.

Community Service

Pledge to do community service for each hour for each unwanted visitor. After you get the email that tells you how many hours the unwanted visitors were here, you can log onto Give Pulse. On this website you can both find opportunities to provide community service in the area. You can also track the hours you spend to fulfill your pledge.


If you can afford it, you can pledge an amount to match the number of hours that each unwanted visitor is on campus. The donations directly benefit groups targeted by the unwanted visitors: LGTBQ+ Center, the Multicultural Center, the Women's Center and/or the Frederick Douglass Institute.

3. Stand on the Side of Love

The goal of the uninvited visitors is to get a negative reaction from community members. When students react in a negative way, the uninvited visitors video the reaction and play it for their followers to get them to donate money. Listening to them, reacting to them, having anything to do with them enables them to make more money! While it is difficult to ignore people who are spouting insults and spewing hateful messages, ignoring them decreases the chances that they will return and prevents them from monetizing your response. It is much better to channel your energy into things that show that you support the targeted groups of people.

We can combat these visitors and replace their harmful acts with acts of love by turning our back on them, educating students and faculty on campus about the way these uninvited visitors work, and pledging. Better yet - yet involved in the rally and lend your voice to the cause.

The best revenge is to make them look stupid; A bunch of uninvited visitors shouting and insulting everyone, but nobody is paying attention to the deranged lunatics. Instead, everyone is somewhere else, speaking and laughing and singing about our wonderful community and the support they show for diversity.

Fill out the Volunteer Form! You will be notified of the next meeting.