For the most part, these web pages have described the advantages of CIRWEP to consultants, non-profit organizations, and small groups started for causes. But they are not the only ones who might benefit. As stated before, the advantage of CIRWEP (once the end-to-end platform is finished) is the integration of all the technology tools available into one seamless easy-to-use system. CIRWEP will help you manage your contact, your schedule, your groups, and your health.
Furthermore, CIRWEP will provide advanced contact management tools. If you ever contact your friends and family, arrange for family gatherings, send out holiday cards, then you will appreciate the advanced capabilities of CIRWEP.
There are many technology tools freely available now. The most widely used are email programs such as Outlook (by Microsoft) and Google. Both Facebook and Twitter may play a role in keeping you connected to your social circles. These, and thousands more like them, are wonderful, and free technology tools. But each has some specific disadvantages.
When people first start to use freely available technology tools, they seem to work great. For example, they can store contact information for all of their friends and family and business acquaintences in a Microsoft Outlook on their computer. Outlook can merge with email, merge with Word, and has most (but not all) of the fields you would need to send out an individualized letter to each person on your list. The downside of Outlook is that once the information is entered into Outlook, you cannot get it back out again easily.
For example, have you ever tried to copy a list of email addresses out of Outlook? It doesn't work. What copies is the NAME associated with the email, not the email address itself. You can't, therefore, send your sister the list of all of your family's email addresses if you keep your list of family emails in Outlook. There is also no way to indicate whether a letter or envelop should be addressed to the family, or just to the individual. Furthermore, though Outlook stores several addresses (Home, Business, Other), the all-important "mailing address indicator" can only be viewed within Outlook. In other words, you can't export a list of addresses and know, for each person, to which address you should be sending your holiday card.
Additionally, there is no way to export a list of contacts, make additions and changes, and upload them back into Outlook so that the changed fields get updated (but the rest of the information is left alone). Address updates must be made individually and manually within Outlook. That means you can't make "bulk changes" or syncronize with an external mailing list.
To make matters worse, Outlook stores your contact information in a hidden folder. It is very difficult to recover in the event of a hard drive crash, and it often does not get backed up along with the rest of your system even if you are smart enough to realize you need a backup of your data.
There are many more limitations to Google contacts (which can be found under Google mail). Setting aside that many people won't use Google because of privacy issues, there is no way to merge a Google list in order to send out a letter to a group of people. Though Google finally began to support categories (which can be used in Outlook to identify different groups for your contacts), syncing between Google and any other list notoriously loses all of the categories. Additionally, there is no way to make bulk changes, or to delete all your Google contacts at one time. If you want to "refresh" your contact list you are limited to deleting 250 at a time. This limitation is not a problem if you only have a few contacts, but if you have a few thousand, you are out of luck.
The biggest problem, however, with most contact management systems is the amount of technology knowledge one must have to use them, and their lack of integration with other systems. Also, they all seem to assume that all of your friends and family will use the same system, be on the same websites, as you are. There is no option to contact people who do not have accounts on that system. Furthermore, Few of them have phone-in technical support or help in transferring and/or setting up your contact lists.
CIRWEP will be designed to mitigate many of these limitations. You may wish to get on our list so that you can stay in the loop and know when CIRWEP will be available for your use.