Achieve Health, Attain Prosperity, and Develop Leadership. Everyone. Everywhere.
People and organizations join HPL Institute because they are in alignment with our mission (health, prosperity, and leadership for everyone, everywhere). Some member groups are directly part of our organization (those who have applied for Program status (also known as Associate Subsidiary) [click here to apply] and qualify as 501c3 non-profits under our umbrella), and others are separate non-profits with their own non-profit status as Partners. We also welcome for-profit organizations as Partner members. Furthermore, individuals may join as Integrative Health Practitioners or Professionals.
The membership category for integrative health practitioners such as Tai Chi, Qigong, Yoga, and other healthcare related teachers. In addition to our regular memberships, we now have available Practitioner Member and Professional Member levels. Qualified, ethical practitioners and professionals will be the first to take advantage of using the website platform to organize and manage their classes, groups, and client lists. (Soon we will also be working with several organizations for practitioner and professional members certification.) Furthermore, professional members who run health classes and groups under our HPL501c3 Institute program are eligible to be covered under our liability insurance. To apply for this membership, fill out this form and return to us.
Over twenty five years ago, Bill Douglas and Angela Wong Douglas got an idea to hold an annual massive global event the last Saturday in April, known as World Tai Chi & Qigong Day. The event is still held today, every year, in hundreds of cities in over 80 nations. The World Tai Chi Day website posts videos and pictures of many of them, and is dedicated to educating millions around the planet about Tai Chi & Qigong's benefits. Their website helps people to find and get the most from local classes. They consult with health care organizations, corporations, government and educational institutions about integrative health practices, and publicize large events and research on Tai Chi and Qigong.
Our mission is to help people live pain free lives.
Chronic Pain can be debilitating. Although often unrelated to a medical condition, the persistent pain is perceived, real, persistent, and can be seen in the MRI. Pain can be visceral or deeply somatic, nociceptive or neuropathic, and deeply effects lives. Painful conditions such as fibromyalgia, lower back problems, rheumatoid arthritis, peripheral neuropathy, and cancer may be eased by movement and massage. It can be treated with behavioral therapy, but is often deeply ingrained in the brain's structures. Exercise can reduce the production of cytokines, which play a role in inflammation and pain. Opiates and other medication over time exasperates the pain.
The Organization for Pain Free Living (OPFL) researches and provides real solutions, therapies, talks, and workshops to help people understand their pain and help them and their spouses take steps that reduce the frequency and severity of chronic pain. A new protocol SET which combines cardiac gated electrical stimulation with operant therapy has been created and is currently being tested. OPFL will also provide equipment, videos, and other support to underserved populations such as senior citizens and people undergoing physical rehabilitation.
Complete Mind Body & Spirit Tai Chi For Health Association (CMBS Tai Chi) is an all volunteer, non-profit 501c3 organization offering tai chi classes in Bucks County, PA. A typical class usually consists of an assortment of activities. These can include: Yang style short form, Qigong, the Animal Frolics, the Eight Brocades, Shaolin Temple exercises, the Five Elements and the Four Directions, and a meditative form drawn from Falun Dafa (sometimes called Chinese yoga). Results include: reduced stress, better concentration, improved balance, increased range of motion, weight loss, better posture, long life with better health and general well-being.
Perpetual classes and continuing education run throughout the year. Classes are held in different locations in Middletown Township and Falls Township in Bucks County, PA.
The Pagoda Writers is a diverse and creative group of people that come together each month to learn, support, and inspire each other through workshops designed to bring professionals who have the tools necessary to provide leadership guidance to our writers.
Asklepios is a group of researchers dedicated to ensuring rigorous and scientific methods are applied to research on integrative healthcare studies such as Tai chi, Qigong, Massage Therapy, Yoga, Pilates, etc. The researchers encourage well-developed research design and publish reviews research agendas.
In addition to wonderful dance classes and healthful Pilates classes, Michelle Wurtz of Pottstown Dance Studio works on a special intercultural program each year (often with a grant from the Pennsylvania Partners in the Arts) for her students. The works are designed to empower students to set and reach strong goals, and to discourage bullying.
Volunteers grow non GMO organic vegetables from April to December and donate the harvest to the Pottstown Cluster of Religious Organizations. Our mission is to promote, support and advocate the use of heirloom seeds and non GMO organic food for all. Volunteers are welcome. Email: gro.nwotsttopuu@snedrag for more details.
The Bluebird Trail of UUFP, under the direction of the Bluebird Society of Pennsylvania, maintains,and monitors bluebird boxes. Comprised of at least 10 nesting boxes in three different areas, the volunteers of this group check the boxes weekly to ensure that blue birds and other native birds are kept safe from harm and given the best possible chance for fledging. They also encourage habitat that is attractive to native species, providing mealworms, water, seeds and other amenities to attract our feathered friends. Email: ten.tsacmoc@dribeulbhvm for more details.
The Taijiquan Enthusiasts organization is dedicated to sharing the benefits of Taiji and Qigong with everyone.
Taiji and Qigong have their roots in ancient Chinese history. Taiji is a martial art with valuable health benefits as well as functional self-defense techniques. Qigong is a practice for preserving and restoring health and well-being. Both of these practices can be used by people of all ages and health status.
We welcome all traditions and styles of Taiji and Qigong.
The Taijiquan Enthusiasts group embraces the following goals:
In 1984 Master Jou founded the legendary Tai Chi Farm on 103 beautiful acres in Warwick, NY. It was there that he held classes and hosted workshops in taijiquan, qigong, and meditation, invited other world-renowned teachers to share their arts, and hosted the Annual Zhang San Feng Festival which was attended by Tai Chi enthusiasts from all over this country and the world. The event was held in high regard by those in the Tai Chi world due to its inclusiveness, friendliness, and enthusiasm. For the past decade, Tai Chi enthusiasts have continued the traditions of the Tai Chi Farm by gathering at Tai Chi Park, in memory of Master Jou, Tsung Hwa on the second weekend each July. Workshops, demonstrations, and inspirations introduce new generations to the gentle (yet powerful) art of Tai Chi as well as many activities under the larger umbrella term of Qigong.
The Global Transformation Project is a global coalition of Mind Body supporters , including leading Scientists, Health & Education Experts, advocating for a United Nations Resolution calling for Mind Body Education in Public Education worldwide--to save trillions in future global health and social costs. To see our distinguished supporters, the science on Mind Body (Yoga, Tai Chi, Meditation, Qigong, and Mindfulness) for Education, and to view a working draught of our United Nations Resolution, visit the official website, where you can SIGN THE PETITION, and join our list of supporters:
For several years, uninvited visitors have invaded the Kutztown University campus community, often spouting hateful rhetoric and trying to incite violent responses, which they film and use to rev up their base and raise money for their hateful causes. Because we and Kutztown University support freedom of speech, we cannot throw them off campus or hide them from view. But that doesn’t mean we can’t come together and strongly support the people the uninvited visitors are attacking.
The Solution? Love and Support! Kutztown University faculty, staff, and students created a program that does not impinge upon the uninvited visitor’s right to free speech, but is aimed at diminishing their hateful impact, by educating bystanders on non-engagement, standing by to shield any vulnerable student walking past with an umbrella and offering peaceful, loving activities some distance away.
The Spiral Chi Center has been helping students through the study and practice of advanced t’ai chi since 2007. Students are able to access more of their innate healing potential and explore martial arts. Sifu Greg Knollmeyer also helps students and clients transform through his healing work.
We are a Clear Tai Chi Member School and teach Master Richard Clear's curriculum including Clear Tai Chi Forms, Qigong, Internal Push Hands, Martial Applications, Tai Chi Fighting Methods, The Clear Self-Defense Method, Fa Kung Energy Healing, and more.
Beginners and Advanced practitioners are welcome. Call or email for our current class schedule and further details. Harry Legg is the Founder and is the NJ / NY Regional Organizer for Clear Tai Chi.
Silent Witness Peacekeepers Alliance is an organization of gay and straight allies dedicated to providing a non-confrontational buffer between the LGBTQ+ community and those who would protest LGBT events. We are peacekeepers, not counter-protesters, protecting everyone's right to free speech.
We provide visual protection from "street preachers" and protesters at events such as Pride fests, the showing of films such as Jim in Bold and For the Bible Tells Me So, or staging of plays such as The Laramie Project, using our bodies and rainbow umbrellas as shields.
In times of need, we intervene to prevent confrontations between protesters and event participants, often acting as escorts for those who would like to attend such events. Where there are those who publicly promote hate, we will be there to help provide a loving, supportive front opposing them. We offer a visual representation of support for those in our society who may feel marginalized while protecting everyone's rights of free speech and religion.
Silent Witnesses receive significant training in non-confrontation techniques specially designed for the type of work they do. Only those who have received this training may participate in an event as a Silent Witness. Silent Witnesses are easily recognized by their special safety vests and rainbow umbrellas.
Monocacy Hill Recreation Area is a 428 acre forest located in Amity Township , Douglassville, PA. This recreation area was purchased by Amity Township in 1967 for open space and recreation purposes. It features about 6 miles of forest trails and is open year round from dawn to dusk for a variety of activities. Park rules and trail maps are available at the park entrance on Geiger Road.
Our mission is to promote the arts and sciences on Long Beach Island and the surrounding communities by enlightening, educating, and stimulating thought and discussion about current trends in the arts and sciences through educational and cultural programs for all ages.
The LBIF is committed to a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion. We do not discriminate against any individual or group of individuals on the basis of age, color, disability, gender identification, national origin, religion, race, sexual orientation, economic status or status as veterans. The LBIF welcomes all to our organization.
Berks Bards is a grassroots poetry group. We meet monthly on First Thursdays at 6 pm at GoggleWorks Center for the Arts at 201 Washington Street, Reading, PA 19601. These monthly poetry readings include a featured poet and a community open mic. In April, we celebrate National Poetry Month with one-minute poem recordings.
The Institute of Leadership in Management is the sponsoring organization for the Journal of Leadership and Management, which publishes a journal and book on leadership. It is concerned with all types of leadership, all over the world. Please join us in our mission to disseminate research on leadership in management.
GHA MISSION - Collaborative Clinical, Educational & Research Services In-Person & On-Line Affiliated with Akamai University. GHA is a 501 c3 not for profit registered in NC.
Empowered Care Firstly - Provides help for individuals to find their path, walk their journey and make informed, client-centered health decisions. The goal is to open a broader, inclusive framework of care where individuals are treated equally, part of a family and member of a community. The recipient is the focus of intention and attention with culturally specific integrative approaches.
Wellness & Natural Health Secondly - Keep health costs down by promoting a comprehensive, integrative wellness and natural health plan - including preventive care vs. illness, symptom, or medical disease approach.
Collaborations in Care, Education & Research Thirdly - Promote wellness, natural health, and energetic care. This includes health education from qualified certified professionals or licensed care givers. Collaboration with approved organizations as equal partners alongside the existing system of illness care.
The World Affairs Council of Greater Reading is a non-profit, non-partisan organization committed to advocating our community's awareness of international issues and the common interests we share with the rest of the world. The mission of the World Affairs Council of Greater Reading is to create and sustain an intelligent interest in international affairs on the part of Berks County citizens and promote their awareness of world-wide economics, political, and cultural events. This past year we sponsored 10 events, and we have 17 more planned for next year. Our events are:
The mission of the Berks Business Education Coalition is to develop and coordinate resources within the business and education communities which improve the competencies of students and enhance their aspirations for continuing education.
Opportunities are also provided to donate resources, cash and in-kind, to support educational improvement initiatives identified by the Coalition. Donations to the Coalition are tax deductible.
Program Goals is a skill sharing platform that allows members to exchange highly valued expertise and services without the use of scarce dollars, promoting both community development and individual growth. The immediate goal is to spin off as a nonprofit entity from its current for-profit company.
Pushing for Peace Institute began in response to the tragedy of Columbine high school. The program teaches T'ai Chi movements and philosophy to prevent violence and increase mental and physical health in the form of nine Peace Games. Practicing T'ai Chi causes a significant shift away from the bully/victim paradigm, and towards a mutually beneficial exchange. It provides an opportunity to play on a level playing field, a safe space where there are no winners and no losers, and everybody gains. The Peace Games have been taught throughout America, from the east to west coast, in Mexico, Europe, Asia and Africa and on YouTube throughout the pandemic. We are always seeking new Peace Games ambassadors.
The Berks Intercultural Alliance's mission is to facilitate healthy intercultural relations in our community. We intend to accomplish this through:
Our vision is to make Reading/Berks ever more a place where:
Our community is composed of a variety of ethnic/cultural/faith groups. The Berks Inter-Cultural Alliance offers a place to meet, communicate and work together to build a stronger, more engaged community.
The Bluebird Society of Pennsylvania is dedicated to the protection, enjoyment and propagation of the Eastern Bluebird and other native cavity nesting species in Pennsylvania and elsewhere. They provide and promote educational activities relating to bluebirds, birding, conservation and related subjects. They monitor and conduct research relating to bluebirds, other cavity nesting birds, food sources, habits, and trails. They build, maintain,and monitor bluebird boxes and trails. They also provide opportunities for people to become involved in efforts that assist bluebirds and other native bird species.
The Canadian Taijiquan Federation is one of the few Tai chi related organizations in the world who certify Tai Chi instructors regardless of style. It's mission is to encourage development in the practice of Taijiquan and preserve its characteristics as an expression of Chinese culture and philosophy. It also works to stimulate public awareness of and participation in Taijiquan and to inclusively link practitioners of Taijiquan from various styles and traditions without precedence, whether as individuals or gathered in groups, clubs and organizations as they join the Federation family. They network nationally and internationally with other Taijiquan practitioners, groups, clubs and organizations with the aim of broadening and strengthening the Canadian Taijiquan experience.
Cold Mountain Internal Arts is a tai chi club devoted to learning and practicing various Tai Chi and Qi Gong forms with a combination of theory and practice. The club also has an academic component. Students are encouraged to read classic and modern references of internal arts and philosophies from Eastern as well as Western traditions. Groups gather regularly to study textbooks or articles and understand how to incorporate their teachings into one's own practice.
The mission of the Healer Within Foundation is to promote personal responsibility for health and wellness through education and research in the areas of integrative medicine and self-care, resulting in disease prevention, reduced medical costs, increased productivity and creativity, and wellbeing for individuals, communities and institutions worldwide.
The Healer Within Foundation's programs empower people using medically proven self-care practices that effectively support disease prevention, accelerate healing, and decrease unnecessary mental and physical suffering.
Their largest program is TaiChiEasy, an evidence based program using gentle movement, breath practice, self-applied massage, and meditation.
The Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi (IIQTC), founded in the spirit of the new millennium in 2000 by Dr. Roger Jahnke. The Institute's Qigong and Tai Chi training programs make Qigong and Tai Chi enjoyable and accessible for everyone.
IIQTC, is at the forefront of Qigong and Tai Chi training and research. Clients feel healthier, make more money, have more energy, and are more productive.
Harvesting History was founded in 2016 by heirloom horticultural experts with many years in the industry. Each of these individuals shared a love and deep respect for the flowers, vegetables and herbs that have been a part of Americans’ lives for centuries. They also shared a commitment to educating anyone interested in learning about or developing an appreciation for the horticultural legacy that is one of this planet’s many gifts to humankind. Each of us has spent decades gardening. The Company features heirloom flower, vegetable and herb seeds, heirloom roots and sets, heirloom flower bulbs, classic gardening tools and other classic gardening products. Wherever possible, we have selected products made in the United States. We are thrilled to partner with HPL Institute, and we strongly support the mission of Health, Prosperity, and Leadership for everyone, everywhere.
The Reading Science Center will be a science museum for students and adults to learn about the physical sciences, and will also serve as a central location for Informal Science Education, providing space for schools and other organizations, such as Boys Scouts and Girls Scouts, to hold their STEM activities. Its proposed location in downtown Reading will provide accessibility to the local residents and their families, providing educational opportunities in a community in need. The science center will serve to advance operational science literacy--scientific ways of problem-solving-- and functional science literacy--information and skills people can use in their daily lives—to the surrounding community. This sharing of knowledge will enable the development of skills and abilities that will contribute to the community's overall well-being. Email: moc.orivneytrebil@illenicj for more details.
The purpose of the organization is to disseminate to medical professionals, researchers, and others the clinical research evidence supporting the health benefits of tai chi and qigong programs. They also promote more high quality scientific and clinical research about the health benefits of tai chi and qigong programs, as well as collaboration between researchers and the practitioners and teachers of tai chi and qigong.
In the coming years they hope to provide resources and tools for researchers on the health benefits of tai chi and qigong in order to help improve the quality of their research. They also encourage the creation of training and development opportunities consistent with safe and ethical standards for professional Tai Chi and Qigong instructors.
They held their last annual conference virtually, in October of 2022. It was hosted by D'Youville College and Health, Prosperity, & Leadership Institute.
Interested in what entails becoming a member? Call CJ Rhoads at 484-332-3331 to talk about whether or not it is right for your group.