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We are a 501c3 non-profit organization with a mission to spread the word about the health benefits of integrative practices such as Tai Chi. Helping us is perceived by others as contributing generously to the community.

When you become a member, you do more than just help those who do Tai Chi - you help everyone lower healthcare costs everywhere. The more people who practice integrative health activities such as Tai Chi, the healthier everyone gets. Although more research is needed for absolute proof, current research points to lower rates of heart attacks, lower rates of falls and broken bones, lower rates of immune disorders, lower rates of cardiovascular disorders, lower rates of metabolic disorders, lower incidences of obesity, lower rates of cancer. When we can, as a community, lower the number of incidences of these chronic health problems, we save everyone money in healthcare costs.

Furthermore,the more people who practice integrative health activities such as Tai Chi, the more productive everyone gets. Although more research is needed, early results indicate that people who practice Tai Chi are more focused, are sick less often, are calmer, and exhibit leadership characteristics more often than those who don't practice integrative health activities such as Tai Chi. When we can, as a community, raise our collective productivity, we increase the health, wealth, and well being of everyone.

Finally, we are able to produce these nearly miraculous changes in our health at a very low cost; no expensive surgical procedures, no dangerous or expensive pills, no uncomfortable waits or painful events. Just a consistent, slow, careful series of forms that, when done daily and practiced mindfully, achieve spectacular results.

Be a supporter of a practice that can achieve so much - Donate Now.