World T'ai Chi & Qigong Day
          Healthcare Article

    Shingles - Natural Treatment

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Shingles Natural Treatment

by Wayne McDonald

Copyright 2005

In the past ten years recent studies and research with

alternative treatments for shingles has shown it is

possible to recover in less than one week and to reduce

outbreaks of lesions and pain in three days.

Shingles is a serious health condition and it is important

to follow your doctor’s recommendations. Traditionally,

most doctors prescribe painkillers for the temporary

symptomatic relief of the pain and an antiviral drug to

suppress the virus. This form of treatment with drugs

reduces the severity and frequency of outbreaks but does

not eliminate it from the body. This course of treatment

can take six weeks or more and does very little for the

patient. The pain associated with shingles can continue

long after the initial outbreak.

Some doctors prescribe steroids or itch-relieving creams

that contain steroids. Recent studies question the

effectiveness of steroids in relieving shingles and suggest

avoiding any treatment with steroids. Monitoring by your

doctor is recommended, if steroids have been prescribed. It

is best to find alternative treatments with your doctor and

to seek out natural remedies.

The virus herpes zoster causes shingles and is the same

virus that causes chicken pox. Shingles is an infection of

the central nervous system and may affect the elderly,

those with a compromised immune system, anyone under severe

stress or those who have been exposed to the chickenpox

virus again. Symptoms may include burning, itching, or pain

in one part of the body. A few days later, blisters and a

rash appear. The infection may run along a nerve path and

look like a branch of a tree. Shingles usually appear on

the trunk area and the chest but can also be found on the

face. Shingles can cause blindness if it affects the eyes.

If an outbreak occurs on the face the patient should get

immediate medical care.

Natural Remedies For Shingles

A good starting point for treating shingles is a diet full

of fresh fruits and vegetables. A good diet and reducing

daily stress will help boost your immune system

A simple remedy for lesions is to apply a cool or cold wet

washcloth or towel to the affected area. A wet towel can be

put into the freezer for a while after wetting it to make

it colder.

Eliminate sugar from your diet and add these important

nutrients to your daily diet - vitamin E, vitamin B12 and

vitamin C.

* Vitamin C is suggested with an initial diagnosis of

shingles. You may start with 1,000 mg. (+)

* Vitamin E taken daily before meals may reduce the pain of

shingles (Study published in the Archives of Dermatology)


* Vitamin B12 injections may reduce the pain of shingles

(Study published in the Journal Geriatrics) (+)

(+) It is recommended that you consult with your doctor

before starting any vitamin program.

* E capsules can be squeezed directly onto lesions.

* Avoid heat as well as tight clothes and itchy fabrics

like wool.

* Calamine lotion may relieve the pain and help dry the


Shingles is a serious illness and before starting any

treatment program you should consult with your doctor.

Shingles is the same virus as chicken pox. You cannot catch

shingles from someone else unless you've never had chicken

pox. If you have shingles you should use caution being

around pregnant women who have not had chicken pox - you

could infect both the woman and her unborn baby.

About the Author:

Wayne McDonald is a health care professional and public

speaker for safe natural treatments of annoying and

burdensome health challenges. Learn more at

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