World T'ai Chi & Qigong Day
          Healthcare Article

    Generic Medicines

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Generic Medicines

by Andy Casasanta

Copyright 2005

Generic Drugs: Generic Online Pharmacies started making a

big impact on the net since the mid to late 90's. This has

allowed the prescription drug buyer to save hundreds with

the click of a mouse. Generics really slash the prices on

prescription drugs and medications because they do not

carry brand names but they are essentially the same drug.As

the cost of prescription drugs and medications continue to

soar, more and more Americans are choosing Generic

Pharmacies to maintain their quality of life. Buying

prescription drugs and medications through Generic

Pharmacies is a true alternative to paying the high

medication prices that a bricks and mortar pharmacy would


What are Generic Drugs?: A generic pharmaceutical drug is

identical to a brand name drug in safety, strength and

quality. Even though generics are identical to brand name

drugs, they are typically sold at substantial discounts

from the branded price.Typically, savings of at 50 to 70

per cent can be saved for the average consumer It has been

estimated that generic drugs save consumers an estimated $8

to $10 billion a year at retail pharmacies. Even more when

hospitals use generics.

Are Generic Drugs Safe: One of the most common concerns

about purchasing Generic Drugs from online pharmacies is

the safety of the drugs, and the safety of the patients

ordering them.In most cases, generic drugs are considered

safe due to the testing process used by the Food and Drug

Administration and must meet or exceed all strict quality

control standards, in compliance with WHO international


If brand-name drugs and generic drugs have the same active

ingredients, why do they look different?: Trademark laws

do not allow a generic drug to look like the brand-name

drug. However, a generic drug must duplicate the active

ingredient. Colors, flavors, and certain other inactive

ingredients may be different.

Does every brand-name drug have a generic counterpart?:

No. Brand-name drugs are generally given patent protection

for 20 years from the date of submission of the patent.

Are generic drugs as strong as brand-name drugs?: Yes. FDA

requires generic drugs to have the same quality as

brand-name drugs.

Do generic drugs take longer to work in the body?:No.

Generic drugs are basically the same in quality, strength,

purity as brand-name drugs.

More and more people every day are taking advantage of the

savings that Generic Pharmacies offer. Purchasing your

prescription drugs and medications from Generic Pharmacies

or internet pharmacies has never been easier.

About the Author:

Submitted by Mr Andy Casasanta. The author of this article

has devoted a portion of his life to health and well being

for himself and others. Which has inspired him to create

a tremendous health and pharmacy website. Save on all

popular drugs such as Viagra, Lipitor, meridia, and

hundreds more all for pennies on the dollar. Please visit:

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