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          Health Article

    Exercising The Liver: Excellent Guide To Health & Fitness

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Exercising The Liver: An Excellent Guide
To Health & Fitness

by Ismael Tabije

Copyright 2005

It is a tough job for the liver to keep the cleaning function

of the body always in smooth operation especially with the

present-day unhealthy eating and drinking habits of people.

And, like any other machines, it encounters malfunctioning that

needs immediate troubleshooting. But unlike other machines that

need only oiling to run again, the liver has to be looked upon

very carefully or the entire system will suffer if it does not

function very well.

In youth, you might not notice the effects of malfunctioning

liver. But when you reach middle and advanced age, you will

discover that a lot of sicknesses are being caused by a

malfunctioning liver. The symptoms of a damaged liver are: dull

aching pain in the right side of the stomach area - often under

the shoulder blade, terrible pain at the nape, rough tongue,

unpleasant taste in the mouth in the morning and the appearance

of yellowish color in the whites of the eyes. Other than those,

a person with a troubled liver would also frequently feel loss

of appetite, dizziness and drowsiness after meals.

With these indications of ailments, the person is often

irritated and weak which could affect his entire outlook in

life. And this could lead to fast deterioration of the body.

Growing old would then become a burden.

But you can do something to prevent that misfortune from

happening to you. Aging doesn’t have to bring about all sorts

of diseases. It is not a reason that because you are getting

old, you are expected to feel all kinds of sickness. There are

times when you regret why you never heeded the advice to you

before and why you never paid enough attention to your health

when you were younger. Instead of dwelling on those regrets,

why don’t you try doing something to alleviate that condition?

No matter at what age you will decide to do so, it is never too

late. Sanford Bennett, a phenomenal celebrity for bodily

rejuvenation thru natural methods, has proven so.

In his campaign for total health rejuvenation, Sanford Bennett

devised a program of exercise for the liver to keep it in a

fine condition. The liver, being a gland, would respond well

when exercised. And an exercise involving tension of the

abdominal muscles will benefit the liver along with some

massaging techniques. But of course, before doing the exercise,

one must be familiar with the position and the structure of his

own liver.

• First Exercise

There are three exercises Sanford Bennett described for the

liver. Feel the location of your liver with the fingers of both

hands as you lie on your back. Press the fingers upward past the

ribs. The liver can be easily moved and tensed because the

abdominal muscles are in relaxed state. Create pressing

movements under and upwards. Do this twenty times and

increasing daily until you reach 100 or until your condition


This tensing exercise is comparable to the effect you get when

you ride a horse. This is an exercise frequently prescribed by

physicians when the liver is not in good condition.

• Second Exercise

Lie on your right side and place your left hand over the area

of your liver. Position yourself with the head slightly

inclined forward and with the knees bent. This will relax the

abdominal muscles and place the liver forward. With your

knuckle of the thumb or the pad of a finger, press well under

the ribs and massage the liver.

• Third Exercise (Percussion)

Light thumping of the liver will also help in the healthy

activity of the liver. Lie on your left side which inclines the

liver forward and the muscles relaxed. With your right fist,

strike lightly but rapidly on the area. Begin with twenty

strikes and increase daily up to how many your condition


When the liver is properly taken cared of, the whole body

system is guaranteed to be in a good condition. And when you

pay equal attention to all the parts of your body, there is no

need to worry about your health failing. Take care of your


About The Author: The writer, Ismael D. Tabije, is the editor

of the e-book, “The Man Who Grew Younger: Secrets to Fitness

and Beauty for the Middle Aged and Beyond”, which can be

accessed at The book has

complete descriptions and illustrations showing unique but

proven effective exercises.

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