World T'ai Chi & Qigong Day DIET
      - Can Low Fat / No Fat Holiday
            Eating Hurt Your Health?
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Holiday Deprivation Can Make You ILL !

by Lena Sanchez

What we do know for sure is that no/low-fat and

no/low-carb foods can be detrimental to your

health. Of course your grocer's labels and shelves aren't telling you that.

With the holidays coming up the problem is going

to be overeating of the bad fats. Bad fats being

animal and hard vegetable/animal combinations

along with all the sugar your system can possibly

absorb bombarding your poor pancreas. "Too much

of a good thing is bad!" Still holds true…

The past few years has been pushing "no-fat,

low-carb" diets fad. Yes it's a fad that's out

there and helping make people ill rather than

healthy as you have been led to believe. This

premise has been propagated by the food industry,

who has no idea what is healthy but everything

about what it takes to sell you on eating more

then you should, eating processed foods and

certainly things that are going to make them money!

Remember this! No fat in your diet or eating the

majority of no/low fat foods and no/low carb

foods on the grocery shelves can make you ill

sooner or later! This is not a well-known fact

and the manufacturers of those products would not

like you to know that. Especially since it directly impacts their livelihood!

A bad thing with the low-carb, low-fat foods on

the shelves today is the overloading of sugar

substitutes packed into them to compensate. That

is setting the stage for making you ill. At the

same time these foods do not prevent obesity but

in fact creates more fat over the long haul,

which is supposed to be the reason for no/low-carb no/low-fat foods.

How do I know this?

A nurse friend worked at a hospital, at the

beginning the no-fat low-fat craze. The hospital

thought they should lead the way in being healthy

and enlisted a whole group of nurses and doctors,

who worked there, to go with a "no/low fat" diet.

They carefully created a so-called healthy "NO

Fat" diet. Sorry to say that six months on the

no/low-fat diet people began losing their hair,

thyroids were going berserk, their skin began to

dry out and look dehydrated, wrinkles occurred

early and some began picking up the patients

illnesses and the care taker became the patient

with the inability of soon getting over the

illness. Nerves were shot and tensions began to

be a problem on each floor that had volunteered

to do the no/low fat diet. It didn't take them

long to realize that fat is important to our

diets and a must for good health. Luckily when

they corrected the no/low fat diet and added

plant based fats, their health returned and

hopefully with no residual bad affects to show up

later. This is still to be determined.

Good fats are necessary to our health!

A study out of Australia had fantastic results on

a diet that has been said to be bad fat by those

who don't know! "People in the study who ate 1.5

avocados per day lowered their cholesterol levels

from an average of 236 to 217."

Other studies have found that low-carb diets and

sugar substitutes are creating fatter people with

neurological damage and illnesses cropping up!

It is important to distinguish between "bad fats"

those that typically come from four-legged

animals and "good fats" - those from fish, nuts,

avocados and soybeans and integrate them into your diet.

For the holidays we all will probably undergo a

great "bad fat" flux with all the cookies, candy,

puddings, turkey, ham, marshmallowed yams, etc.

Don't later over compensate with no/low carb or

no/low fats and compound the problem. Once will

not kill you but an ongoing diet of that type will!

During this holiday season make lunch your

biggest meal, when you're more likely to burn

calories after eating. DON'T skip breakfast to

"save up" for the holiday meal - that tactic

usually leads to snacking on sugary & fatty stuff

instead. Try nibbling some almonds, pumpkinseeds

or low-fat cheese with fruit before hitting a

party. By depriving yourself you are setting up

for a real shocker after the holidays. Make a

light supper/dinner your key to not gaining all those holiday pounds.

Eat all things in Moderation and forget the

no/low fats and no/low carb foods!!!


***Lena Sanchez a happy retired Medical Office

Nurse/Administrator/Consultant who took charge of

her life 13 years ago found pain relief and

committed to helping others do the same… Editor

of "A Natural Environmental Health Facts & Your

Home Business Coach" Ezines along with "Ask Lena

Health Q & A" subscribe by

Author of Three How-To health building books

available at

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