World T'ai Chi & Qigong Day
      - Learn Clean Skin Facts Article
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Learn Your Skin Care Facts

by Olivia Hyde

Maintaining a healthy skin is important in today’s

image-conscious society. So how do you go about it?

Skin is the largest organ in our body and the body’s first

layer of protection against the environment. Besides good skin

is the most important ingredient in physical beauty. Ask the

supermodels if you don’t think so!

All this makes proper skin care very important for a human

being. Every day our environment inflicts a lot of damage on

the skin -- from exposure to pollutants, sunlight, ultra violet

rays, etc. And we add to that by using skin care products that

are not very skin-friendly, through our ignorance.

Choosing the best skin care product should be a very important

part of your skin care routine. This is easier said that done.

There is no lack of skin care products in the market shelves

though having a good skin is still a distant dream for many.

Choosing the right skin care product from all those colorful

products vying for your attention on the supermarket shelves is

often a very difficult task. The flashy ads in magazines and

billboards of supermodels endorsing various brands of skin care

products isn’t of much help either when you are trying to choose

the best skin care product for you.

What is the ideal skin care routine? A healthy and glowing skin

is the desired product of any skin care regime.

The first step towards healthy skin is a clean skin. Any skin

care routine starts with a cleansing process. Washing your face

after you’ve been out is important, as facial skin is most

exposed to the dust and grime in the atmosphere. But do not

over do it, as excessive use of soap and other cleansers may

lead to the secretion of excess oil and cause eruptions or

lesions on your face. This is especially so if you have oily


Drinking plenty of water daily is good for your skin as it

helps get rid of toxins in the body. A balanced diet with the

right servings of fruits and vegetables is also essential for

maintaining a healthy skin.

Acne is the most common skin care problem affecting people,

especially teenagers. The medical name for this condition is

‘Acne vulgaris.’ Acne is a skin condition that occurs when the

dead skin cells and the oil clogs the skin pores. Usually acne

is seen to fade in the late 20s but some people, mostly women,

face this problem even in the 40s and 50s.

The main cause of acne is the hormonal changes. Especially in

teenagers, the sebaceous glands become overactive and secrete

excess oil, which then blocks the pores in the skin. This, in

turn, leads to inflammation and redness of the skin causing

acne. The majority of those affected by acne only experience it

in a mild form, but severe acne could lead to emotional and

physical scarring.

Poor hygiene or increased stress levels are not, as is

popularly believed, the cause of acne, though they may

aggravate the problem. There are now excellent treatments

available to treat acne and produce the desired results.

Physicians treat acne based on the patient’s skin

characteristics and nature of lesions.

For proper skin care it is important that one understands one’s

skin type. There are mainly three skin types: dry, oily, and

normal skin. When you choose skin care products, keep in mind

that they should be chosen depending on your skin type.

Remember, first impression is always the best impression. And

your skin plays a very important role in how others perceive


About The Author: Olivia Hyde is a registered nurse and

wellness advocate. Visit on of her many health site here:

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