World T'ai Chi & Qigong Day
          Beauty & Health Article

    Making Old Faces Young . . . Naturally

Tai Chi & Qigong Resources

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Making Old Faces Young… The Natural Way

by Ismael Tabije

Copyright 2005

Making one’s face look younger is everyone’s dream. There are

people who resort to different methods - even the most

expensive ones - just so they’d get that “look young, feel

young” atmosphere. But to those who can barely afford it, the

“attempt” is considered a vice. Most of the time, you’d hear

from these people the line, “Why would you interfere with

nature’s course?”

But those who want to preserve the youth as they add up years

would say, “Why not age with grace?” Yes, why not? You may

think it is too late to do so especially if you were once

abusive of your body (e.g., too much sun-bathing, etc.) when

you were younger. Most of the time, it is the reason why people

acquire the old-age look (even before they get to that stage)

since the body was not well taken cared of.

The tell-tale signs of old age are the sunken hollows of the

cheeks and around the eyes, sagging of the chin, wrinkles on

the forehead, the “rumpled” and the total haggard look. But

there’s always hope. The moment you realize you need to take

care of your health is never too late a time to do so—whether

you are 30 or 60.

It’s been proven that rejuvenation of the face through friction

and massage are the best ways to look young and feel young.

Realize that the main reason your facial muscles sag is lack of

muscular exercise. Like any other muscle of the body, constant

exercise can make these facial muscles expand and develop,

effectively removing the sagging look. Wrinkled skin, on the

other hand, has been proven to be made elastic again through

regular application of friction.

This does not only apply to women who are known to be vain in

nature but for the men as well.

How is applying friction on the skin done? With the help of

some lotion to minimize irritation (not too much lotion,

though, as there will be no more friction), work on the areas

which normally result to sagging, such as the cheeks, the

throat, the chin, the forehead and around the eyes. Start as

though you are polishing a pair of shoes: with a slight,

circular friction on the surface areas, which should gradually

increase in pressure but not too vigorous that you will end up

abrading and irritating your face. This process will

progressively restore the elasticity of your skin and smoothen

out the wrinkles.

To exercise your facial muscles, use your palm heel. With

enough pressure, massage your cheeks and other parts of the

face in circular motion. This process will build up the muscles

and fill those “hollows”, those sunken areas around the eyes and

the cheeks. Do this also on the chin and throat. Make sure you

apply equal amount of pressure to the entire face so that the

build up of muscles will be uniform.

Do these exercises a few minutes everyday--even while you are

watching the TV-- and you will soon see the “miracle” of a

younger looking you.

The process of looking older does not have to be as fast as it

is now. With the right determination, and knowing the proper

techniques, you can almost stop the advance of the “aged” look,

no matter that your actual age is unstoppably moving ahead. It’s

been proven possible and there’s no reason you can’t achieve the


About The Author: The writer, Ismael D. Tabije, is the editor

of the book, “The Man Who Grew Younger: Secrets to Fitness and

Beauty for the Middle Aged and Beyond”, which can be accessed

at The book has complete

descriptions and illustrations showing unique but proven

effective exercises.

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