World T'ai Chi & Qigong Day
          Beauty & Health Article

    Falling Hair? Cure It With Simple Scalp Exercise

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Falling Hair? Cure It With Simple Scalp Exercise

by Ismael Tabije

Copyright 2005

A receding hairline is the most obvious sign of aging, being on

the most prominent location. It is like falling leaves when

autumn comes. That’s why most of the middle and advanced aged

people suffer from thinning hair. And, to their constant

chagrin, most male suffer from this misfortune.

Caring for your hair doesn’t stop with washing and shampooing

it. You have to pay equal attention to it in the same manner as

you pay to other parts of your body. The hair needs nourishment

just like the rest of your system to keep them in place and

keep them from moving to your bathroom shower drain.

In your campaign for a healthier body most of the time the hair

is not included. You work out every inch of your body, but not

the hair. There are no exercises for it anyway, you might

think. But decades ago, Sanford Bennett, became a celebrity for

experiments that led to his physical rejuvenation at 70. Besides

all the exercises he devised to make his face younger and his

bodily muscles more robust, he also devised an exercise for a

healthier and stronger scalp that could trigger the thicker

growth of the hair.

To Bennett, the scalp, just like any other part of the body if

exercised, would increase in strength and elasticity. This is

because there are microscopic glands and muscles in the scalp.

The law that applies in exercising the major muscles of the

body also applies to those.

So how does it go? Alternately pull your hair in all directions

and massage the scalp with the pads of your fingers while you

lie in bed. This will improve the blood circulation and

eventually feed the roots of the hair with the nutrients it

needed. It also exercises the muscles in the scalp making the

muscles stronger, which will logically hold the hair more

strongly. And since the blood is pumped through the microscopic

glands and muscles in the scalp, they are sure to increase in

size, strength and elasticity. This naturally results in much

fewer hair falling and healthier-looking hair.

One of the best refreshers for the hair ad the scalp is the

alternate washing of hot and cold water. It also accelerates

the blood circulation there. Wash the hair first with hot

water, as hot as you can bear it. Then follow up with very cold

water (but without using ice). Applying hot and cold towels

alternately can be a good substitute. This procedure should be

repeated at least five or six times.

About The Author: The writer, Ismael D. Tabije, is the editor

of the book, “The Man Who Grew Younger: Secrets to Fitness and

Beauty for the Middle Aged and Beyond”, which can be accessed

at The book has complete

descriptions and illustrations showing unique but proven

effective exercises.

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