World T'ai Chi & Qigong Day
      - Anti-Aging Tips Article
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Anti Aging Tips

by Marcus Grant

Who does not want to look younger and remain active throughout

his life? Surely, all of you would like to secure from

aging-complexities and problems. Skin care experts, dieticians

and health care professionals provide you with latest anti

aging tips. Cosmetic industry has come up with numerous anti

aging products like wrinkle free creams, dark circle removal

lotions and much more.

Experts from all over the world advise that mere cosmetic usage

cannot prevent you from aging symptoms and complexities. They

suggest a balanced lifestyle with appropriate usage of

cosmetics. One thing that they accentuate is natural is best.

There are a few famous anti aging tips. If you follow them, you

can certainly cut down the aging symptoms and convulsions.

Eating a balanced and nutritious diet

Your diet consumption plays an important factor in maintenance

and functioning of your body. Eating a diet, rich in essential

nutrients, ensure that your body does not suffer from lack any

important nutrients.

You should eat a low fat diet, but it should have high

carbohydrate and other nutrient contents. Ideally you should

consume 5 vegetables everyday. Greens, salads and fruits should

be taken in large quantities regularly. Along with this you

should have 3 servings of whole grains everyday. You should

drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday. A substantial

amount of roughage is also necessary for you.

Healthy eating habits are the basics to a long healthy life.

Exercise and Endurance

You should build your endurance with regular workouts and

exercising. They help keeping your body in shape and also keep

you fit. Aerobics and yoga are a must for people who want to

live healthy during their life. Exercising prevents your body

from loss of stamina, muscle strength and bone density.

If you exercise regularly you would keep your body toned and

increase your immunity towards diseases.

Increased Intake of Antioxidants

Researchers from all over the world have studied extremely

beneficial effects of antioxidants. The intake of antioxidants

neutralizes the free radicals in the body which facilitate

diseases related to the aging.

You should include antioxidants like tomatoes, squash, and

spinach in your food. A standard daily intake of antioxidants

should include 250 mg of vitamin C and up to 400 IU of vitamin

E. One should also include a mixed supplement of about 10 mg of

carotenoid. Intake of antioxidants can surely prove to be a

eliminator of aging catalysts in the body.

Anti Wrinkle Creams

Use anti wrinkle creams to prevent prominence of aging lines on

your face. As your skin gets dry and thin, brown spots, wrinkles

and fine lines start appearing on your face and skin. Applying

anti wrinkle creams and lotions can delay the prominence as

well as the growth of wrinkles on your face.

Avoid Sun Exposure

You should protect your skin from the sun. Exposure to sunrays

is a major cause of wrinkling and tanning of your skin. You

should always apply a sunscreen lotion before moving out in the

sun, and if possible always avoid direct exposure to the sun.

Avoid Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco

You should avoid consumption of tobacco, alcohol or drugs at

any cost. If you cannot stop consumption of these, you can

reduce them. These drugs and alcohol hollow your body and mind

from the inside and make you extremely vulnerable to the aging

diseases and death.

About The Author: Marcus Grant,

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