World T'ai Chi & Qigong Day
          Allergy Article

                   Allergies The Silent Disease

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do not represent WTCQD.

Allergies The Silent Disease

Copyright 2005

Allergies affect approximately 60 million Americans, which

means one in every five adults or children suffer from them,

and are common in men as well as in women. Thirty-five million

people have upper respiratory symptoms, which are allergic

reactions to airborne pollen. Around 10 million Americans have

allergies to cats and two million present severe reactions to

various insect stings.

Food allergies are less common in the family of allergies.

About one out of three people pretend to have a food allergy

and only about three to eight percent of children younger than

three years old, and only one percent of adults really have an

allergic reactions to food. Unfortunately, food allergies are

blamed for close to 200 deaths every year. Scientists say that

allergies have to do with genetics. If one parent has

allergies, there are 33% chances that each child will suffer

from a form of allergy. If both parents are allergic, it is

very much possible (seven cases out of 10) that their children

will be allergic, too. If we are to discuss about allergies, we

should have in view the fact that allergies usually stay with

adults, while children sometimes outgrow them.

An allergy is in fact the response of your body to something

that it perceives as a threat. Your body fights the allergen in

the same way it would fight a virus or a bacterial infection. We

can take as an example the pollens of some plants that are small

and light and can be taken away by the winds for miles. Ragweed

pollen has been found 400 miles out at sea and two miles up in

the atmosphere.

About The Author: This article may be reproduced on websites

subject to credit being given to the author, and a link to his

website. If you would like more information go to and

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