===================== PHP Automatic Gallery Updated: 24 Feb. 2013 ===================== This script was created by David Walsh, starting from a tutorial by Chris Coyier, and modified by Alex Dukal to crop the thumbnails and make captions from each file name, also a basic style for the gallery was added. NEW!: Ajax Pagination added 1. Modify the 'Settings' inside 'Gallery.php' 2. Upload the files to your hosting 3. Prepare the name of your files as in this example: Eg: 01--Some_Title_-_Some_caption_here.jpg The number (01) is used for the pics order Everything after the double hyphen (--) and before the extension (.jpg) will be 'the caption' and each single underscore (_) will be interpretated as a space. 4. Upload your pics to the specified folder ('images' by default) and the work is done! 5. To modify the Pagination Settings just open the 'jPages.js' file. It's not perfect, but its a pretty easy 'automatic' way to create a nice gallery from a folder! 24.02.2013: A client side pagination was added using the "jPages" script. ===================== David Walsh (http://davidwalsh.name) Alex Dukal (http://www.circografico.com.ar) Luis Almeida (http://luis-almeida.github.com/jPages/) Example Photos by Roger Wollstadt (http://www.flickr.com/photos/24736216@N07/)