Dear Pagoda Writers,
We're going to have a great summer of creative and inspiring workshops this year beginning with a presentation by Michelle Kissinger this Saturday. We will start promptly at 1 p.m so come early for some connecting and sharing with other writers.
Please view our very comprehensive website which CJ Rhoads has generously donated her valuable time to make happen for us. CJ is constantly improving the website to share as much information with you as possible including these once a month reminders that I send to all who have provided their email to me. The bios and photos of our presenters give you a great idea of what we will be learning and sharing in the first hour or so. These interactive workshops provide inspiration, motivation and an invaluable resource with other writers of enormous diversity and experience. Each workshop, just two hours a month out of our daily lives, build on our skills, knowledge and confidence in holding on to our dreams.
Bring a friend, coworker, neighbor, even a family member who may think writing is just something you "want" to do. If you're like many writers, it's something you "need" to do.
Perhaps our workshops will open their minds to the infinite possibilities. You pursuing your dreams is the most important thing you can do in your life. You'll have no regrets if you follow your instincts and your own internal compass.
Please bring paper, pens and a brief piece of writing to share. Refreshments are always welcome if you would like to bring a jug of lemonade or a treat of some kind.
Until Saturday...remember, "Life can only be understood backward but it must be lived forward" and "Perhaps imagination is only intelligence having fun."
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Volunteer Coordinator
Pagoda Writers
610 413 0373