From:                                                      Alan Graham []

Sent:                                                        Friday, November 04, 2011 7:35 AM

To:                                                            Alan Graham

Subject:                                                  Minutes: Education and Research 10-30-2011 9-10 PM


Follow Up Flag:                                   Follow up

Flag Status:                                           Flagged



  • CJ Rhoads
  • Eric Imbody
  • Gary Giamboi
  • Kathleen Levac
  • Matthew Komelski
  • Shirley Hildreth

Hello everyone:

Our next meeting is Sunday, November 27th at 7 PM EST.

Thank you for a great meeting. I am excited about us developing a research oriented event for the conference.

Gary G mentioned we need to remind ourselves of two basic things when we plan an event for our conference.

  • Who are we marketing this too?
  • What are they going to get when they come?

We also discussed having different types of research oriented events. While the the final decision of what we can do will be guided by the conference committee, the following is a suggested hierarchy of events we discussed.  I will see what the conference committee suggests. 

I have copied the conference committee this email.

Four options. The first two numbers are more practitioner oriented.

1.   Panel discussion with qigong researchers and practitioners talking to each other.

2.   Round Table of qigong researchers.

3.   Qigong Academic Posters

4.   Qigong Research Papers

While CJ mentioned that qigong research paper presentations may be the highest level of academic presentation, we all agreed it may take a couple of years to get there.

Matthew K will look into rules that are published regarding poster presentations and roundtables in complementary therapies. 

Once the conference committee directs a proposal direction and we can confirm the acceptance of our proposal, we can choose the appropriate marketing mechanism to attract researchers to participate in our program.

We can continue to work on the other parts of the previously sent agenda in concert with what I have described above.

If you attended the meeting, please let me know if you want me to emphasize anything else, AND give me permission to forward your email to all the people working on this project.

Thank you,
